Exercise & Fitness

Category: life fitness (Page 2 of 12)


If not used correctly, ball bearings are brittle. A high-quality set can bring you years of pleasure, or it can deteriorate before you even put a foot on it. We will impart some knowledge that will lengthen the lifespan of your bearings by informing you of how you may unknowingly damage your bike bearings.

Power cleaning

Everyone knows to stay away from this one, yet sometimes there are no other options. You may think of cyclocross racing or the bike wash at a mountain bike stage event. Keep your distance if you do use a pressure washer. Try to avoid spraying directly into the bearings, but if you must, be aware that you or your technician will need to disassemble the entire bike and reassemble it after the race.

Storing a muddy or damp bicycle

Metal components and liquid or muddy conditions do not get along. It sounds like a productive way to spend a Sunday to go for a sloppy winter ride, store your bike in the garage, and then immediately launch into a marathon Netflix session. The next time you ride your bike, don’t be shocked if it starts whining and grumbling.

Please be courteous enough to wipe …

Wellness Pro Dr. Sunny Andrews Named to Evogen Elite Team

Dr. Andrews is excited to join a team promoting health and wellness.

Recently, Dr. Sunny Andrews was announced to the team of Evogen Nutrition. She is excited to join the ranks of other top athletes part of this elite team. The announcement comes after she was accepted into the invitation for the 2022 Arnold Classic and 2022 Olympia qualification.

Dr. Sunny Andrews got her start as a track and soccer athlete in high school. She went on to play soccer in college while getting her bachelor’s degree. It wasn’t until med school that she really started serious weight training. The release of stress, as well as increased feelings of strength and energy, encouraged her to dig deep and push herself further.

With roots in Western medicine, she found that the fitness lifestyle was a missing element in too many practices. She felt that her degree only supported how crucial wellness and preventative medicine should be in any healthy society. Her goals are to help spread a better understanding of fitness and nutrition so people can pursue better overall health and avoid many common complications caused by obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and poor nutritional habits.

“I’m extremely excited to be named to …

5 Daily Habits That Will Improve the Quality of Your Life

You may read this article and still not do anything about what you read, that’s fine. But whatever you read in this article, if you work on it, the quality of your life will be improved by a hundred percent. The thing with habits is that they cost almost nothing at all, just discipline, but overtime you grow into it. Another fun fact is that as you grow into a habit, you feel an urge to talk about it to inform others about your progress. Platforms like reviewsbird.co.uk provide you with a platform to freely express yourself and talk about your progress.

Asides talking about your progress, you also start to take a liking to healthy and lifestyle stores. This is because surrounding yourself with people who are also on the same self improvement journey like yourself come to such places. This makes you strengthen your resolve. These habits no matter how simple would take you to a new level of productivity and satisfaction.

1. Journalling

The moment you wake up every morning, there are fresh ideas that come running through your mind. If you don’t get these ideas out they keep troubling you throughout the day. A great …

How to Undergo Exercise-Based Interventions for Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is the excessive, obsessive and compulsive use of the internet in a manner that is commonly associated with harms of varying degrees. The harms may range from psychological to physical and mental.

It is generally linked with impairment in the day to day functions of individuals. While internet addiction can be associated with people of all ages, it is usually common among young people, especially teenagers and young adults. Internet addicted people suffer health issues which include; irregular sleeping patterns, and it can sometimes be the complete lack of sleep.

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Internet addiction usually starts to manifest when a person begins to stay on the internet at the expense of daily responsibilities, duty or work without minding the consequences. Although internet addiction has not been officially recognized as an addictive disorder, the danger and threat it poses on the wellbeing of the individuals in the society cannot be underestimated. There are different types of internet addiction, it includes, video games addiction, social media addiction, online gambling addiction, online pornography addiction and many more.

 The main symptom of internet addiction is spending excessive time …

Strong habits you need to make to increase the quality of your life

Habits stick with us for a large portion of our lives and can either make or mar us. Habits have a lingering effect on almost every area of life, which is the reason people are advised to do away with certain habits so that we may live long. It is the same reason we’re warned to stop smoking to reduce the damage to the lungs, which can lead to debilitating illnesses and even death.

Undoubtedly, a viable habit is a major positive contributor to the quality of life. There is therefore a need to evaluate our habits and do away with those that hold no positive advantage or contribution to the standard of our lives.

Comments and discussions dropped on review platforms like ReviewsBird.com showcase some destructive habits, as well as some constructive habits and their effects on the realities of different individuals.

This article will concentrate on presenting some key habits that are needed for a better quality of life. Some of these habits are however, discussed below:

Being optimistic
Optimism is one of the healthiest habits one needs to develop in this world where things can get difficult and hard without notice. It is the feeling that no …

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