Low carb and ketogenic diets are becoming more popular, so fat is not as stigmatized. It is still quite common to hear that fats can cause heart disease, and eggs can raise cholesterol.

Is fat healthy? This question is dependent on how much and what quality fats you eat.

This blog will explain why dietary fats are important and which types of fats to eat to promote health and longevity.

Is it healthy to eat fat?

A healthy diet should include healthy dietary fat. Fat intake is crucial for key processes like hormone production, immune response and cell creation. Fat plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair and skin, and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and energy. Fat is very filling, so you feel fuller for longer. It tastes delicious!

When weighing the health benefits of fat, it is important to take into account the quality of the fat. All fats are not created equal!

What is the difference between fats?

There are two types: saturated and unsaturated fats.

Saturated fat can be found in meat, dairy, cheese, and other animal products.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are both considered unsaturated fats. They are present in greater amounts in flaxseeds, fish, flaxseeds, olive oil and avocado oils.

Trans fats can also be considered unsaturated fats. These fats are often found in hydrogenated oils, processed foods such as pastries, chips, and deep-fried foods.

According to dietary guidelines, trans fats should be avoided, saturated fats should not exceed 10{9b87922d005e23c3294d0e460c72f171f44d10a11e296cfe15836bb3fb12b030} of daily calories, and polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats should be prioritized.

The quality of avocado, grass-fed meat and olive oil is very different from the fat found in fast-food cheeseburgers, conventionally farmed meats, and soybean oil. Your body will respond to the quality of the fat you eat by whether it can use it as a healthy fuel or not.

How many grams of fat should I consume?

Here is where things get more complicated! According to dietary guidelines, between 20 and 25{9b87922d005e23c3294d0e460c72f171f44d10a11e296cfe15836bb3fb12b030} of your daily caloric intake should be from fat. Some people are better off with less, while others have greater health and success with more.

Your diet is very individual. While it is important to eat higher-order unsaturated oils, the amount of avocado and salmon that you eat will vary depending on your goals, ability, digestion, energy, preferences and genetics.

Personalization does not stop at how much fat you consume. You need to take a personalized approach to your nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle in order for the best results.

This post was written by Darryl Johnson, Co-Owner of Apex performance. At Apex performance we are a community of highly trained experts looking to provide performance enhancement and a permanent lifestyle change for our clients in a fun and interactive environment. Members can take advantage of one of the best gym in Tampa, small group classes and specialized courses for a wide variety of athletics, sports training and body goals!