Internet addiction is the excessive, obsessive and compulsive use of the internet in a manner that is commonly associated with harms of varying degrees. The harms may range from psychological to physical and mental.

It is generally linked with impairment in the day to day functions of individuals. While internet addiction can be associated with people of all ages, it is usually common among young people, especially teenagers and young adults. Internet addicted people suffer health issues which include; irregular sleeping patterns, and it can sometimes be the complete lack of sleep.

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Internet addiction usually starts to manifest when a person begins to stay on the internet at the expense of daily responsibilities, duty or work without minding the consequences. Although internet addiction has not been officially recognized as an addictive disorder, the danger and threat it poses on the wellbeing of the individuals in the society cannot be underestimated. There are different types of internet addiction, it includes, video games addiction, social media addiction, online gambling addiction, online pornography addiction and many more.

 The main symptom of internet addiction is spending excessive time on the internet or internet facilities. Although no metric has been developed to measure the right amount to be spent on the internet, as said earlier, whenever you start to neglect daily responsibilities to be on the internet, you just might be titling towards internet addiction. Other symptoms may include withdrawal from physical connections to spend more time on the internet, hiding the amount of time spent on the internet, having lost time you cannot account for, etc.

There are many ways to manage, reduce and cure internet addiction. Methods such as therapy, behaviour modifications, as well as using antidepressants can be effective. However, one important and highly recommended way to treat internet addiction is exercise-based interventions. Exercises can be used to manage internet addiction because it reduces anxiety and depression.

Different research evidence have suggested that exercise can strengthen the morphology of some certain parts of the central nervous system. It also controls the part of the brain that is responsible for the excitement and reward urge. Exercise can significantly reduce internet addiction by creating a neurological balance in the central nervous system. Exercise based intervention can be undergone through the following ways:

1.     Admit there is a problem

It is said that the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one in the first place. Being honest with yourself is the first important step to take when battling an addiction.

2.      Set up a regular exercise plan

You need to have a plan that is deliberately geared using parts of your free time for exercises rather than the internet. There are many websites, apps, and club subscriptions that can help you keep a track of your routines.

3.       Be consistent, you would not get there in a day

Do not expect fast results, you will be discouraged, trust the process, and even if it takes some time, you will eventually reap the benefits.

4.      Talk to a professional

Before you actually begin any of these, it is very important that you talk to a professional for advice, guidance and support.

The simple guide provided above will help you in undergoing effective exercise based interventions for internet addiction. We hope you find this helpful.